Sunday, February 11, 2007

One of those moments

This is the letter from a kind man from my work: Monday April 24Th 2006

To Mr Scott Mcilmoyle(benefits union rep)

I am Phuc Chau

I work in bay 9. I just got recalled back to work in Oct 2005. No luck I got sick and they found out that I have terminal neck cancer. I have some friends with good hearts, they have collected and sent some money to me . I found this a very kind gesture. I have added some more money in and want to continue this on to help someone else. This is five hundred dollars. I have sent to you. Could you please help me send this money to the right one in De-havilland who is in need of it .

Thank you very much.
God Bless you all,
Phuc Chau and family

When I read this letter it was another one of those moments that takes your breath away.
Bless you Phuc Chau. He past away two months after Shania was diagnosed. Our local had a vote and decided to sponsor Shania's Sunflower of Hope Fun Fair in the tune of One Thousand dollars. Its amazing what people can do when they unite for a cause Thank you to the members of local 112. Also the Great Lions club of Markham have kindly volunteered to supply and cook all the hamburgers and hot dogs, do the parking, ect... you guys rock! Shania and her friend Jacklyn want to write something. "hi our names are Shania and Jacklyn, we're good friends we are excited about the fun fair!!! It sounds like it is going to be very fun!!! love shania and Jacklyn
Take care.
Shayne,Karen,Shania& Shannon.