Monday, April 02, 2007

Character Community Award

We are so proud of Shania!!! She won the York Regions Character Community Award. The attributes of this award are Optimism, Initiative, Perseverance, Respect, Responsibility, Honesty, Integrity, Compassion, Courage, Inclusiveness, Fairness. We went to the Markham Theatre to receive her award and had a great night out. As a parent it blows me away how Shania and her sister Shannon have come through this last year with all of these attributes.I don't want to sound like I am bragging, but we are so proud of these two sisters. They never cease to amaze us. There was 13 other winners in the other categories and it was very touching to hear their stories. We would like to thank Janet Porter (Shania's principal) for nominating her for this award. We did not know that she had done this until Shania had won. If it was up to us Janet would win the Principal of the Year Award. Thank you for supporting us through all of this. Whiskey had his surgery today and is recovering at the Vet's office tonight. They are going to keep him there for a day or so to make sure he is OK. The doctor did a Femoral Head Excision on his left hind leg and everything went well. He has to take it easy for awhile when he gets home. This will be hard for him as he likes to get into everything around the house. Luckily he is an indoor cat. And no Shania he didn't have to get a cat scan :)
Chow Chow for now,