Friday, June 08, 2007

Sam's special day

Zack from Canadian Idol stopped by for a visit with Shania. She was very bored before he came by. It must be very frustrating just laying in bed, especially for kids, not being able to get up and expel all that energy that kids naturally have. So when Zack stopped by she was kind of shy, and didn't say to much. He said that he has a daughter and son that are around her age and they love to play hockey just like Shania does. And he invited her out to there ranch style farm to see there horses, which is another love of Shania's. Zack and a friend of ours Lisa short gave Shania a gift package that Lisa had kindly gotten from the show. She is friends with Zack and set up this visit which really cheered Shania up. After he left, Shania set about tattooing herself and everyone that came into her room with Canadian Idol stick on tattoo's, she played the CD's and is really excited about going to the live show when she gets out of the hospital. Thanks Zack,Lisa and Canadian Idol for brightening up Shania's day, and giving her something to look forward to when she gets out of the hospital. Shania is going to get radiation again today. This will be the fourth time that she will have had this done. They will radiate her upper left femur and lower pelvis. This being the latest location of her cancer pain. It breaks our hearts to have this done because there is permanent damage done every time they do this procedure. But we know that it is the only way to rid her of the pain that she is in right now. Hopefully they can start her on this new research study drug. We are having a meeting today with Doctor Baruchel to go over all the details. They still can't start her on this drug until her counts come up. She got hemoglobin and plat lets because they were going down to low for radiation treatment. Her white blood cells are coming up ever so slowly, which is what we want to see. Shannon and I are going to Burlington on Saturday to celebrate a special little boys birthday. His name is Sam Lack and he had this terrible cancer called Neuroblastoma himself. Every year they celebrate his birthday by having a Fun Fair called Sam's day. Everyone is invited to this Fun Fair birthday party with all the money raised going to the James Fund for Neuroblastoma Reasearch at Sick Children's Hospital. Karen and I would like to thank the Lacks for helping us make Shania's Fun Fair such a great day. And Shannon is really looking forward to going to Sam's Day. Shania really wishes she could go too, but she is just in to much pain right now. If you are interested in going out and having a great time for a great cause, this is there website: . Its from 1:00PM-4:30PM June 9TH at Brant Hills Community Centre, Burlington. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM!!!!
With love sincerely